Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Good vs Bad Diets

                As I’ve posted before, I haven’t really followed any diets in the past. My wife and I did the Zone diet once and lost some weight (for a couple of months) and we tried the HCG diet and lost some weight (for a couple of weeks), but besides that, I haven’t done much of anything. Since I’ve started this blog, however, I’ve purchased a lot of diet books of every variety you can think of in order to know what I’m talking about. One trip to a bookstore will amaze you with all the different viewpoints there are on our health. The sad part is, we’re still getting fatter as a nation and world. So, what can we do?
                I’ve been losing weight and feeling great by following a type of Paleo (as in Paleolithic) diet. I don’t do everything I’m told to and that’s what I want to talk about in this post. Every one of us is different and we all have different needs, beliefs, and hormone levels. I believe there is a common starting point, but how far we take it is up to us individually. I don’t want to go on a diet that doesn’t allow me to be who I am inside. For example, I grew up in Idaho and learned to love potatoes (spuds). I don’t care what anyone says about them, I’m not giving up my spuds no matter how full of starches they are. Now, I may cut back on them, but I will never give up on my Idaho heritage!

                There’s a movement out there called JERF (Just Eat Real Foods) and I agree with them with all my heart. You might say I’m “JERFing it”, but I’m not sure about the image that creates in your head. Eating only organic foods would be great if I had unlimited money in the bank, but I do buy as fresh as possible. I’d also like to eat only grass-fed meat, but once again my wallet can’t handle it. So, I’m left eating the best I can with what I have and I’m doing great. My gardening skills are improving and I’m hoping to raise my own meat in the near future. I already raise my own eggs and chicken, so I’m on my way.
                As far as diets are concerned, don’t go out and buy any diet books. They contradict each other and one even spent the first ten pages telling me how I could start losing weight beginning with the first page. I didn’t lose any by page eleven either; I checked. Some of the ideas they have are great, but they don’t apply to all of us. Some people have special conditions, like hypoglycemia and there may be a diet book just for them, but I don’t need it. So, if an author claims to have “The Ultimate Weight Solution”, they are full of cow pies.

                It’s also important to remember why you want to go on a diet in the first place. If you want to lose weight only, cut out everything but vegetables and meat. If you want to live healthy, JERF it. Some people diet to gain muscle. Some to cleanse themselves from chemicals in the environment. I just don’t want to die from diabetes or high blood pressure. I already got my woman, so I don’t need to add twenty pounds of muscle to impress her. Whatever your reason for changing the way you eat, make it fit your life not the other way around. Sometimes big changes are needed: like cutting out sugar and wheat. Sometimes little ones are needed: like bananas. You decide. After all, you’re the one who has to live with yourself, not some author trying to make money off of your fat.

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