Monday, September 9, 2013

We Are Water (H2O)

            Water is the most precious commodity in the desert. Rain is prayed for daily and water rights are expensive and hard to come by. The amazing thing is that water is made of two extremely common elements that are found in abundance in every desert in the world: hydrogen and oxygen. Though these two elements may be everywhere, they are separate and alone. Combined, however, they make up 70% of the surface area of the earth and nearly 75% of our bodies. Water quenches our thirst and yet can grind the highest mountain down to dust over time.

            When two people come together for a common cause, they are much like hydrogen and oxygen. Each brings something different to the table, yet combined they are a great force to be reckoned with. Alone they may be common and ineffective, together they can accomplish much.

            As I go through this midlife “crisis”, I have found out who around me is “on my side” and who, though not against me, may not really care what happens in my life. It’s been an important lesson to learn and has the added benefit of allowing me to gain strength from those who care. A true friend has a common goal with me of making me happy whether that be through jokes, encouraging thoughts, or a simple hug (kind of mushy, I know).

            I’m sure we all know people who “bring us down” whenever they come around. No matter what you’re doing, they have some comment about it that doesn’t make it better. Perhaps they know all about what you’re doing and let you know that it won’t work. Maybe they don’t discourage what you’re doing, but instead fill you with stories about themselves and how miserable they are. These are people we need to get out of our lives. They may be family or friends, but they need to go. Midlife is hard enough without people like that to make it even more difficult.

            Just as oxygen and hydrogen combine to make something good and useful, we need to find people who make us more than we are alone. Some people you know seem to make everyone happier when they’re near, just as salt makes most food taste better. These are the people you need around you. It may not be easy to find a lot of them, but I promise, they are there.

            Another thing you might want to consider is becoming one of those people. I’ve been trying for a long time to be one of them and it isn’t easy. That’s another reason why you need to find the good people and be around them; you can watch and learn how they do it. We learned to speak by watching others do it. We can learn to be “salt” by watching people too.

            I know this post is a little more serious than usual and I apologize for anyone who was expecting more. I just didn’t want to “water it down” for anyone. I also didn’t want to sound like a “drip” by making too many jokes. I could go on, but I’ll spare everyone the agony.

            Remember that who you choose to be around can make you into something more than you are. That’s also a good reason to stay with your spouse if you’re thinking of leaving them for greener pastures. Oxygen and hydrogen have been together since the world began and see what they can do together!

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